With the SQUAT you can train the entire group of muscles that keeps your body upright against the power of gravity. The apparatus will guide your movements to ensure they are functionally correct, which will result in a highly efficient strengthening. The exercise works all leg muscles and is, therefore, beneficial for everyday mobility.

Material: RVS
Artikel-Nr.: 551310401
Afmetingen toestel (LxBxH): 1560 x 1020 x 1900 mm
Maximale vrije valhoogte:
Minimale ruimte: 4500 x 4000 mm
Benodigde valdemping: 18,00 m²
Benodigde rubbertegels: 18,00 m²
Aanbevolen bodem: Synthetische valdemping, grasmat
veiligheid: DIN EN 16630
Extra materiaal: Gevulkaniseerd rubber
Togestaan vanaf: 1,40m lichaamslengte

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